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Rezultati pretraživanja

Broj rezultata: 6

Autor(i):Buechner, Georg
Naslov:Materialen zur Rezeptions- und Wirkungsgeschichte Georg Büchners / Dietmar Goltschnigg (hrsg.)
Impresum:Kronberg/Ts. : Scriptor Verlag , 1974
Materijalni opis:452 str. ; 21 cm
Nakladnička cjelina:Skripten Literaturwissenschaft ; 12
Napomena:Zbornik. - Bilješke uz pojedina poglavlja. - Str. 411: Siglenverzeichnis. - Str. 411-445: Bibliographische Hinweise und Erläuterungen. - Str. 446-452: Register
Ključne riječi:Georg Büchners * njemačka književnost
Sažetak:<Gutzkow Karl><Devrient Eduard><Hebbel Friedrich><Hamerling Robert><Bewer Max><Bleibtreu Karl><Franzos Karl Emil><Keller Gottfried><Hauptmann Gerhart><Landsberg Hans><Bruck Arthur Moeler van den><Büchner Ludwig><Mehring Franz><Halbe Max><Zieler Gustav><Heym Georg><Bab Julius><Heimann Moritz><Kyser Hans><Landau Paul><Hofmansthal Hugo von><Franck Hans><Hausenstein Wilhelm><Flake Otto><Pinthus Kurt><Tucholsky Kurt><Kilian Eugen><Steiger Edgar><Ihering Herbert><Rilke Rainer maria><Jacobsohn Siegfried><Polgar Alfred><Musil Robert><Döblin Alfred><Walser Robert><Kerr Alfred><Csokor Franz Theodor><Marcuse Ludwig><Zweig Arnold><Horváth Ödön von><Kaiser Georg><Jahnn Hans Henny><Benjamin Walter><Pohl Gerhart><Wehner Joseph Magnus><Lange I.M.><Rilla Paul><Schwachhofer Rene><Richter Hans><Herzog Wilhelm><Edschmid Kasimir><Fehse Willi><Canneti Elias><Kreuder Ernst><Jens Walter><Höllerer Walter><Sommer Harald><Handke Peter><Geerdts Hans Jürgen><Enzensberger Hans Magnus>
Signatura:GE Ed-874
Inventarni broj:17510, 48910
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za germanistiku, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/germanistika

Autor(i):Rank, Otto
Naslov:The incest theme in literature and legend : fundamentals of a psychology of literary creation / Otto Rank ; translated by Gregory C. Richter ; with an introductory essay by Peter Rudnytsky
Impresum:Baltimore ; London : Johns Hopkins University Press , cop. 1992
Materijalni opis:xl, 619 str. ; 24 cm
Napomena:Prijevod djela: Das Inzest-Motiv in Dichtung und Sage. - Str. [575]-587: Bibliografija. - Kazalo
Ključne riječi:incest u književnosti * psihoanaliza * stvaranje (književno, umjetničko)
Sažetak:Part I: The relationship between parents and children : 1. The origins of the incest fantasy in the individual ; 2. Typest of incest drama (Oedipus, Hamlet, Don Carlos): the mechanisms of artistic creativity ; 3. Shiller's incest fantasy: the psychology of outlines and fragments ; 4. The stepmother theme: the psychology of the selection of material ; The Don Carlos schema ; The Phaedra schema: the psychology of literary adaptation ; 5. The conflict between father and son ; The psychology of Patricide ; 6. Shakespeare's father complex: The psychology of dramatic creation ; 7. Oedipus dramas of world literature ; The psychology of Juvenalia ; 8. The interpretation of the Oedipus legend ; 9. The incest complex in the development of clasical myths and mythological tradition: sexual symbolism : The myth of the world parents ; The castration complex ; The Old Testament tradition ; The theme of dismembermant ; The Tantalide legend and its dramatic versions ; 10. Medieval fables and Christian legends ; 11. The relationship between father and daughter in myth, folktales, legends, literature, life, and neurosis ; 12. Incest in historical times; tradition, custom, and law. -Part II: The relationship between siblings : 13. The significance of the sibling complex ; 14. Grillparzer: a contribution to the problem of the relationship of literature and neurosis ; 15. The ancestress schema: the psychology of aesthetic effect ; 16. Goethe's love for his sister ; 17. Defense against the enactment of sibling incest ; The theme of sibling recognition ; The theme of suspension of sibling relationship ; The Elizabethan dramatists ; Shelley ; 18. Byron: his life and dramatic works ; 19. Biblical incest material in dramatic works ; Cain's fratricide ; Amnon's incest with Tamar: the spaniards (Lope de Vega, Calderón, Cervantes) ; 20. Schiller's sibling complex: the mechanism of displacement of affect ; 21. The theme of brother hatred, from Sophocles to Schiller ; The Greek tragedians and their imitators ; Schiller's predecessors: Sturm and Drang ; 22. The tragedians of fate ; Zacharias Werner ; Adolf Müllner ; 23. The Romantics ; Ludwig Tieck ; Achim von Arnim ; Clements Brentano ; Theodor Körner ; Richard Wagner ; 24. The incest theme in modern literature: a look into the past and into the future ; Henrik Ibsen ; The incest theme in contemporary literature
Ostali autori / urednici:Rudnytsky, Peter
Signatura:82.09 RAN I
Inventarni broj:07/3407
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za komparativnu književnost, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor(i):Basil, Otto
Naslov:Die lyrischen Kostüme : Auswahl der Dichtungen / Otto Basil ; [hrsg. von Kurt Benesch, Hermann Mayer, Franz Richter]
Impresum:Wien : Bergland Verlag , 1973
Materijalni opis:78 str. ; 19 cm
Nakladnička cjelina:Profile und Facetten ; Bd. 7
Napomena:Str. 73-77: Nachwort / von Wilhelm Szabo
Ključne riječi:njemačka književnost * Szabo, Wilhelm
Ostali autori / urednici:Szabo, Wilhelm
Signatura:GE Gg-B.2.b
Inventarni broj:18276
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za germanistiku, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/germanistika

Autor(i):Richter, Otto
Naslov:Das alte Rom / Otto Richter
Impresum:Leipzig, Berlin : Druck und Verlag von B.G.Teubner , 1913
Materijalni opis:80 str. ; 19 cm
Nakladnička cjelina:Aus Natuer und Geisteswelt
Napomena:Dodatak: ilustracije
Ključne riječi:Rim * Antika * Kultura
Signatura:930.85(37) RICH a
Inventarni broj:1352, 1353
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za klasičnu filologiju, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/klasfilologija

Autor(i):Richter, Otto
Naslov:Das alte Rom / Otto Richter
Impresum:Berlin : B. G. Teubner , 1913
Materijalni opis:80 str. : ilustr. ; 19 cm
Nakladnička cjelina:Aus Natur und Geisteswelt
Napomena:I - XVI: Ilustracije
Ključne riječi:Povijest * Rim
Signatura:937 RIC a
Inventarni broj:12556, 9034
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za klasičnu filologiju, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/klasfilologija

Autor(i):Richter, Otto
Naslov:Gustav Theodor Fechner : eine Auswahl aus seinen Schriften / Otto Richter
Impresum:Stuttgart : Greiner und Pfeiffer , 1907
Materijalni opis:235 str. ; 20 cm
Nakladnička cjelina:Buecher der Weisheit und Schoenheit
Ključne riječi:Panpsihizam*Panteizam*Eksperimentalna estetika
Sažetak:<<Fechner, Gustav>>
UDK:1Fechner, G. J.
Signatura:A 457
Inventarni broj:3184
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za filozofiju, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/filozofija

Upit: PersonalName_swish=(Richter Otto )
